Books by Dads About Being a Dad

In these books, dads share their experiences of being a dad.

Man vs. Baby: The Chaos and Comedy of Real-Life Parenting by Matt Coyne
Coyne shares his tale: of one man’s journey through the first year of parenthood, told with wit, humor, and heart. It is a ferociously funny, inventively foul-mouthed, and genuinely touching account of a baby’s first year.

The Ultimate Stay-at-Home Dad: Your Essential Manual for Being an Awesome Full-Time Father by Shannon Carpenter
A practical guide for modern-day parenting geared towards stay-at-home dads, offering advice on everything from learning to cook and clean with children, to dealing with mental health and relationships, with the easygoing perspective that dads can use their natural talents to parent any way that they choose to.

Fatherhood by Papa B: A Game-changing Guide for Parents, Father Figures and Fathers-to-be by Bode Aboderin
Father-of-three, motivational speaker and influencer Bodé Aboderin (AKA Papa B) is on a mission to show the world that Black fatherhood is not only compatible with ambition but can inspire, nourish, and amplify it too.

Sleepless Nights and Kisses for Breakfast: Reflections on Fatherhood by Matteo Bussola
Divided into winter, spring, summer, and fall, the book follows the different seasons of parenthood and life. At times moving and at others humorous, these writings remind people to savor the present and appreciate the simple things in life.

Man Raises Boy: A revolutionary approach for fathers who want to raise kind, confident and happy sons by Rob Sturrock
Through extensive research and interviews with dads doing it differently – including Tony Sheldon, Adam Liaw, and Bernie Shakeshaft – Rob Sturrock explores a new era of fathering that balances strength and vulnerability, allowing men to voice their insecurities and uncertainties and encouraging them to truly cherish their families.

Pops: Fatherhood in Pieces by Michael Chabon
Essays inspired by Chabon’s interactions with his four children and his own father illuminate the meaning, magic, and mysteries of fatherhood.

Why Fathers Cry at Night: A Memoir in Love Poems, Letters, Recipes, and Remembrances by Kwame Alexander
With an open heart, Alexander weaves together memories of his past to try and understand his greatest love: his daughters. Full of heartfelt reminisces, family recipes, love poems, and personal letters, it inspires bravery and vulnerability in every reader who has experienced the reckless passion, heartbreak, failure, and joy that define the whirlwind woes and wonders of love

I’m Sorry… Love, Your Husband: Honest, Hilarious Stories from a Father of Three Who Made All the Mistakes by Clint Edwards
Owning up to all his mishaps and dumbassery, Edwards shares essays on just about every topic fellow spouses and parents can appreciate, including stupid things he’s said to his pregnant wife, the trauma of taking a toddler shopping, revelations on buying a minivan and the struggle to not fight the nosy neighbor (who is five years old).

Diaper Dude: The Ultimate Dad’s Guide to Surviving the First Two Year by Chris Pegula with Frank Meyer
Picking up where From Dude to Dad left off, author and founder of the popular Diaper Dude parenting brand Chris Pegula dives into the first two years of parenting and furthers his deeply held belief that you don’t have to lose yourself when you become a father.